To all kidney patients, kidney patients organisations and others involved in the EDITH kidney patient survey,

Nov direktor Slovenija-transplanta je Andrej Gadžijev, dr. med.
ӏI. Međunarodne susrete dijaliziranih I transplantiranih pacijenata u Severnoj Makedoniji sa edukativnim I sportskim karakterom 23.-26.6.2022

Dear Sir/Madam,


The ERA Registry was involved in the European EDITH project from 2017 to 2020. During this project we distributed the EDITH kidney patient survey about treatment modality choice.


The results of this survey have been published in several scientific papers and a report for the European Commission. Moreover, recently Rianne de Jong successfully defended her PhD thesis “Treatment modality choices for end-stage kidney disease in Europe” at the University of Amsterdam.


All these achievements were not possible without the help of many people who translated, distributed and filled out the EDITH kidney patient survey.


We would therefore like to express our sincere gratitude to everyone who has helped us!


If you would like to read more about the results, please check the following websites;  (EDITH Final Public report) (Rianne’s thesis)


The ERA Registry thanks you for your kind cooperation and wishes you all the best in these unusual times.


Kind regards,

Rianne de Jong MD PhD

Vianda Stel PhD, senior epidemiologist

Kitty Jager MD PhD, ERA Registry managing director




Rianne de Jong MD PhD  |  PhD student EDITH project

Department of Medical Informatics, ERA Registry

Location AMC | J1B-115-2 | Meibergdreef 15, Postbox 22700, 1100 DE Amsterdam, the Netherlands

T: +31(0)20 5667875  |  E:  | | |